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Maple Tamari Grilled Tofu with Peach Salsa

August 18, 2012

Hope all of you enjoyed my crazy cat lady moment. It is something that can be used against me if anyone needs proof of insanity 🙂 Here is the promised recipe that would have been posted thursday had I not jumped off the deep end. This will actually be two lovely recipes, but when put together they are like peanut butter and jelly. I think I have used that analogy before. But I love PB&J! You will want to start this recipe the night before or earlier in the day. That way the tofu soaks in all the flavors. And the peach salsa has time to party 🙂 Also another […]

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Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes – {Vegan}

March 12, 2012

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine as you will see over the next couple day’s was full of Irish flair and lot’s of Irish booze. I didn’t consume much (other than the required quality control testing) but I sure cooked/baked with it a lot. My “I get to bake with alcohol” face I am so excited to share these recipes with you all. Let’s jump right into the desert. Skip dinner and get to the good stuff!  I’ll admit what is below isn’t the most healthy cupcake around. In fact it’s full of alcohol. But the truth is that I wish I could just take the day off work […]

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Red Velvet Cupcakes – {Vegan}

February 13, 2012

Today was a typical Monday. Nothing special happened really. This is a short week as I am going to Quebec Thursday.  A coworker is on holiday’s this week so I am working later. It put’s my whole body through a whirl of difference. I try to eat my meals the same time as usual, but just being at work later isn’t very enjoyable. George picked up dinner so I could come home and eat close to my normal time. That’s what husbands are for!  The rest of the week will be crockpot special! Though Thursday through Monday he will have to fend for himself. Is it weird that I am […]

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Chocolate Vegan Donuts with Cinnamon Heart Glaze

February 12, 2012

I’m not much for Valentines Day, not quite sure why but i’d never felt the attraction to it…till now. A reason to make scrumptious goodies- okay done! On a recent trip to the states I finally purchased a donut pan and Valentines Day was the prefect excuse to use it. I knew right away I wanted to make chocolate donuts. But hadn’t made up my mind for a glaze for them. So knowing my husband always has original ideas I asked him….what did he say? Cinnamon Hearts. I thought this was brilliant. However I was unsure of how to start this process. But I think I made it work with heat, water and icing sugar….And it […]

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Kale the story -{a beautiful cheezy kale chip recipe}

February 6, 2012

Awhile back I heard about this dark green leafy wonder called kale. I always enjoy trying new vegetables, especially ones with through the roof health benefits. Kale is rich in calcium, vitamin C, A, E and K, and tons of beta-carotene. Loaded with fiber, kale is a superior vegetable by any scale. How could I not go right out and purchase some? I am not sure what I had expected it to taste like, but for some reason I thought it would be like spinach. It is a bit bitter and a tougher leaf. So the possibilities are endless. The first time I had it steamed, the second time I […]

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Left over chili? Let’s make breakfast!

February 5, 2012

Hey Everyone!! How was everyone’s weekend? Our local movie theater is playing classic movies that we vote on via Facebook every month! How awesome is that? Best part? They are only $6 each. I honestly don’t remember the last time I spent $6 on a movie at the theater that wasn’t the cheap theater. My husband is obsessed with The Big Lebowski. He only just recently saw it and always quotes it. So when he heard that the theater was showing it….we had to go! I hadn’t seen this for years so it was fun to see it again. Funny note- as I write this, I hear him saying quotes from the movie to […]

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