It’s time to say goodbye….

by Destini on May 4, 2015

If you haven’t guessed by the title, I will be saying Goodbye to the Healthy Wife. It has been a great several years, but for a real long time this blog has not fit the person I am now since the person I was when I started it. I have struggled with content over the past couple years, not because I didn’t have things I wanted to share, but that it just no longer fit the model of The Healthy Wife. If you're based in Sydney and experiencing shoulder pain, a highly skilled shoulder surgeon Sydney can provide the specialized treatment you require. Make sure to not procrastinate this!

With great excitement, I will be starting a NEW blog. It will be called Oh so Destini and will be quite a bit more personal and reflect a lot more of my passions than just food and fitness. I do hope that you follow me over there at new88, or if you would prefer not to, I suppose that is okay too! Thanks for all the support over the years.

This blog will stay active for another 3 months. I will be bringing some of my more popular recipes over to the new blog, because everyone needs to try and know about The Cold Ninja Juice or some of my other really YUMMY recipes.

Thanks again everyone <3



2015 Goals

by Destini on January 27, 2015

I have spent the last year apologizing to you, my readers for my limited amount of blogging. And I hate that. I want to be here, sharing new things with all of you. But for some reason, at the end of the day all I want to do is get into pj’s, pour myself a glass of wine and watch Gillmore Girls on Netflix. It got to the point where working out, something which I LOVE was on the back burner. The only reason I can still fit into my jeans is that I eat pretty well. Side note; the saying “You are what you eat” is 100% true!

I know everyone starts the new year with all these resolutions, and honestly I have never been one for them. I like to start in February, when most resolutions have already failed. And I want to call them goals.

Here they are, in no particular order

  • Post 1-2 blog posts a week
  • Try to read 50 books this year(follow me on Goodreads)
  • Workout 3-4x a week
  • Date night once a month with the hubby
  • Wake-up earlier and start my day!
  • Stay on budget! (this has been hard with the new house)

Not too many goals, I like to keep things realistic that way I can succeed. And a lot of these is to help handle my anxiety better. It’s all about a healthy body AND mind.

How my posts will change on here, I will be sharing more of my day to day life, workouts, of course recipes and some home decor/pintrest ideas. This is still in the works!

Question: How are YOU doing?

OH and the blog with be going through design changes, I have been having problems with a design I have made, which is why this hasn’t happened yet.


The Adventures of a New Puppy Mom

August 22, 2014

I feel like the Summer has already decided to leave. It was incredibly wet and short for us Canadians (well Winnipeg folks). I am not greeted by sunshine in the morning, the grass is wet, random leaves are already on the ground, etc.. It’s happening, and sadly its happening really fast. Fall is coming! Though I am not too worried about Fall, it’s the season after Fall that I fear…but let’s not talk about that. For those of you that follow me on Instagram may have noticed how my feed has been FLOODED with a new four legged friend. If you haven’t guessed…we adopted a puppy! I welcome you to […]

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Skinny Lemonade

June 30, 2014

It’s super ironic that I have decided to write this delicious post on a Monday after the WORST rain storm we’ve seen in several years….of course its the first year we’re in our new house…*sigh* I have been quite quiet lately on the blog, I know I have said that a lot. I have been personally going through a lot of anxiety and stress. And trying to find the most natural way to cope with these issues. I know I’ve been quite quiet on the personal front, and focused  mostly on recipes on this blog. I miss making this a lifestyle blog and not just a recipe one. I donno, let […]

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Vancouver Bound & a WINNER!

May 30, 2014

Hey everyone! Happy Friday!! It’s Sunny here, but I feel like it is about to rain…which makes sense because bright and early tomorrow morning the Hubby and I are off to Vancouver for the week. It’s for a work conference, but we will get some time for some good meals and probably a venture to Stanley Park and the Aquarium.  I am also feeling a few runs along the ocean. Anyone have any good restaurants in Vancouver that they want to recommend? It’s been quite awhile since I have been there for longer than a layover in the airport. But I know why you’re all really here, you want to know […]

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I’ve been cooking pasta wrong ….who knew?

May 22, 2014

Well, I suppose any Chef with formal training could have told me. Or anyone who follows instructions on the box. But seriously, for years I’ve taken whatever pot that was clean(often the middle size pot), filled it with water and let it boil. Pop in that pasta and cook for 8-9min. Sample how well its done, drain, rinse with cold water and let it sit there till it was ready to be dished out on plates. Yeah, pretty dreadful. I clearly have not been giving pasta the respect it deserves. The only real changes in my cooking methods is that I will glance at the instructions on gluten-free pasta boxes […]

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