From the monthly archives:

April 2011

Momentary Disaster

by Destini on April 28, 2011

At the end of next month my fiance’s mother will be throwing me a bridal shower. My original plan for a shower was a smaller, more intimate gathering of some of my very close ladies in which I receive some lingerie(note: I actually don’t OWN a single pair of lingerie..Jennifer thinks this is very strange). It appears some more traditional bridal showers are much larger, and include all the females invited to the wedding.  So with much consideration I will be having a larger shower…………….and a intimate shower(yeah that means 2 showers!).

One thing I have learned is the 6 months before your wedding, getting much breathing time is very limited. I took a week off after the social, and now I am RIGHT back into the planning. This time even more so it seems.  One thing that needed to be hashed out right away was my guest list. As this Bridal Shower isn’t getting any farther, this needed to be done. I am happy that I had already previously designed my shower invites. This made the rush of everything a little easier…..however when I went to send my invites to get printed at my regular print shop…THEY JUST CLOSED!!!

So in a rush of panic and sweat I searched and called local print shops. Now sure we have lots. But I also needed one to replace my regular print jobs I do for my design clients. This couldn’t be a temporary thing.

I have indeed now found one, I ran and I mean I RAN to the bus stop on my lunch break to pick out some stock paper. Good thing I wore flats to work as I didn’t have much time. I pick them up tomorrow. Here is the design 🙂

I love love love it! Can’t wait till I pick it up tomorrow!!!
This past Saturday we celebrated my brothers 21st birthday!!
I cant believe he is already 21!


It’s Wrinkled

by Destini on April 23, 2011

Happy Good Friday Everyone!!

I hope for those of you that are off today that you are having a wonderful day!!

Earlier this week I got a phone call from my Bridal Dress Salon…and guess what?


I couldn’t believe it’s here already! When I ordered it at the end of January they told me it would be 6-8mths, which btw totally freaked me out as my wedding was in 8 mths!! So the fact it is here now is fantastic.

Last night, with my soon to be mother-in-law, baba(my fiance’s grandma), Georgette(soon to be sister-in-law) and her crew(Georgette’s two adorable daughters and amazingly cute little boy) we all went to try on my new dress. My first reaction after it was on was………

It’s wrinkled

My dress has pleating across the top, so when the pleating is going into every direction then it’s supposed to…yeah.

Plus since I have been working out lot’s, I have lost the chest that I have allllllways had. Even when I was 110lbs. But I suppose now that I am working out and burning fat….they have left me. I will need to have these bra cups with padding sewn into my dress, as well as the straps will be shortened and taken in.

The bottom of my dress has pick ups, but because of the wrinkles… was just bunches of fabric.
I know I love my dress and I know how it look’s on me. But the excitement quickly left when I saw it. I also know that when the alterations are done and it’s steamed. It will be just as it looks in my head.

Now let’s talk about this

   Whole Wheat Blueberry Pancakes
        This recipe is from

I stacked the pancakes with cut strawberries, kiwis and blackberries.
Poured pure maple syrup on top
 Yummmy. These photos make me want to make it again tomorrow.
Yep, making it again tomorrow!

Have a great long weekend!

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Intoxicated Dj and the recipe for success!

April 21, 2011

Last weekend was our wedding social!! And wow! I hope what they say is true, that the wedding is much easier. But we were very lucky that it went off with not too many snags. Sure our DJ was drunk and we actually had to cut him off and make sure he ate something. But really? That is nothing compared to how well we did! We can now fully plan our wedding without too much financial worry.  Here is some photos that I am borrowing from my soon to be sister in-law and my best friend aka maid of honour! She also has a blog called Recipes for People Who […]

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Losing My Mind and Centrepieces Mock-Up #2

April 7, 2011

I apologize for lack of blogging. Soo much is going on between a sick Fiancé , Wedding planning and our Wedding social. I am honestly losing my mind.  I was able to get some of the projects I had set for myself done…..such as my centerpiece mock-up #2 Centerpiece mock-up #2 Tall round vase, 6mm black ribbon wrapped around the top twice, fogged glass stones and 4 large silk roses with one small in the middle. I love it!!! What do you think? I follow lots of foodie blogs, I have mentioned some before and a constant theme in many of them has been something called Banana Soft Serve ….. […]

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