From the monthly archives:

May 2011

Bling, Pearl and Elegance

by Destini on May 18, 2011

Sorry I have been MIA for a few days. I have soo much to tell you. But really no time. I promise soon.

This is probably bad, but since I got engaged I spend a lot of time researching wedding EVERYTHING at work. So what am I doing today…

I will be wearing pearls everything. I think a bride in pearls is classic! I am also loving handmade things. Something I won’t see everywhere.

Here are some ideas.



What do you think?


Damask Dream

by Destini on May 11, 2011

When I first got engaged I knew right away that our wedding would focus around this beautiful bold pattern. It was exactly what I want. The pattern will be black and white. I will accent it all with red roses.I won’t go crazy with the pattern, just enough, but not too much

Here is my wedding inspiration board.




Shoes Shoes Shoes

May 11, 2011

Today has been a very long day. I worked all day, went to the gym and did my back workout with some cardio. Came home, designed a Thank You Card for a client and then a Wedding Invitation for another client. Somehow between all that I managed to make myself a quick dinner.   Grilled herb chicken, baked garlic/paprika sweet potatoes, steamed kale and roasted red pepper.  I also managed to try another wine from the festival!  This one was sooo great! I love it! Look at all the colours! I have been researching shoes I wanted for my wedding forever! I was pretty much looking for shoes before I even […]

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jambalaya love

May 11, 2011

With all the wines I got this past weekend I needed to create equally amazing meals to match with them. I got this great fresh Pinot Gris called “Mount Fishtail Wine”. It is dry but finishes very smooth. LOVE IT! The weather today has been horrible, living in Winnipeg it can snow one day, be +20 the next day and rain with a +10. Well today was a rainy, cloudy day. And I needed a little ‘heat’ to make me feel better about it. What better way then to make some hot YUMMY jambalaya!!!         Spicy Jambalaya Love       Adapted from Eat Live Run              Yield: 3-4 servings […]

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what I look forward to

May 10, 2011

Saturday was one of the weekends I look forward to EVERY year! It was the Annual Winnipeg Wine Festival. They have 500 wines from all around the world. You taste, spit(if you’re this type of person) and ENJOY or not enjoy. Honestly it is soo much fun!! Every year I go with my mom and it ALWAYS lands on Mothers Day weekend. Seriously, for a mom that loves wine, this is the easiest mothers day gift ever! What sweetens the whole deal(if that is even possible) is you can PURCHASE the wine that you like there. So trying to stay relatively sober and with a plan you venture into this. […]

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