From the monthly archives:

August 2011

Sunday for thought

by Destini on August 7, 2011

Having a wonderful lazy Sunday, enjoying some movies and relaxing before the gym. 
While watching Eat Pray Love there is a scene that I think speaks volumes. Julia Roberts is in a pizzeria in Italy with a friend and devouring an amazing cheesy delight of a pizza, when she notices her friend isn’t enjoying her pizza as much. She asks her friend why? her friend responds that she wants to eat this pizza but is concerned about her new “muffin top”. Julia Roberts character then goes into a reasoning that I feel we all really need to live our lives by.

Julia Roberts: Let me ask you a questions, in all the years you have undressed in front of a Gentleman
Friend: There hasnt been that many
Julia Roberts: Alright well, well as he ever asked you to leave? Has he ever walked out? Left? 
Friend: No
Julia Robers: Because he doesn’t care, hes in a room with a naked girl, hes won the lottery. I am so tired of saying no and waking up in the morning and recalling every single thing I ate the day before, Counting all the calories I consumed so i know exactly how much self loating to take into the shower. I am going for it i have no interest with being obese, I’m just through with the guilt.
Couldn’t say it better myself
Today’s Lunch
Falafel’s, green leaf lettuce, red onions, tomatoes and a tzatziki sauce. 
Enjoy your Sunday everyone.


Vacation and whole lot of food

by Destini on August 1, 2011

Hey Guys!! How has your long weekend been? I have been on vacation since last Wednesday. So my long weekend has been AWESOME! I had planned to blog, but got so carried away with food awesomeness that I will have to do this in three parts.

Wednesday I woke up and made my fiance and myself some packed full oatmeal

I make it like Kath does over at Kath Eats, but added half scoop of protein powder, berries and pure maple syrup. Yummy! This is the best when I know I will be heading to the gym later.

We finished our breakfast and went to the gym, it was back day. I killed it! I was a sweaty wonderful mess. After we got cleaned up, our friend came with us and we all headed to a local pub called The Grove.  It is locally owned and operated, the owner had spent a lot of time in England and wanted to bring back the pub feeling here.

Love the logo and colours!!!
Sorry for the poor photo, I got a point and shoot for these type of moments and still getting used to it(go figure I have more trouble operating a point and shoot then my dslr)

 Our friend Jason had a three beer sampler, due to laws in Manitoba, you can’t have more then three drinks in front of you(no matter the size). I dragged them all over quickly for a photo.

 My fiance had a Canadian beer, it was light and he enjoyed it a lot.
The boys, my fiance and Jason!! Check out my fiances shirt, the new Jets Logo!! GO JETS GO!
I had a glass of wine, it was wonderful! I love red wine 🙂
 My Fiance had Pan Roasted Halibut with pilau rice and lemon caper dressing. He is currently on a special diet for his workout plan, so he didn’t eat much rice.
Jason had pizza, I was pretty jealous of this cheesy, greasy goodness.
I had the veggie burger with side salad. The veggie burger was chickpea, black bean and walnut patty with a spicy mayo. It was delish! I made the boys try it and they both were shocked how good a veggie burger was! Score for m
Aww a pub with my name on the wall(even if it’s spelled incorrectly)
As we were walking back to our car with full belly’s we noticed across the street Lilac Bakery. I have heard great things about their red velvet cupcakes. So of course I had to have one…to share between us all. 
It has owned up to it’s name. It was quite good!
I have three other restaurants we also went to this past week that I want to share with you guys! So stay tune, I am just recovering from my food baby 🙂