From the monthly archives:

October 2011

Crockpot Delish

by Destini on October 26, 2011

Sorry I didn’t post last night, I had some much needed relaxing to do. In the morning I prepped for a meal that was about to be one of my favorites. I got it from Skinny Taste it was the Taco Chili.

 I had mine over a 1/4 cup of quinioa and the husband had his on a bed of brown rice!
Yep! That was amazing, I will for sure have that again, actually we have TONS left so I will be having some for lunch. Smaller portion though.
For my workout last night, I didn’t have much time(as I wanted to have a low key evening, but still wanted to get in a workout). I did Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred part 1 & 2. 
I have been meaning to try this DVD for some time. And it was great, I definitely got all sweaty & I am feeling the sore of well worked muscles.  I would recommend this to anyone wanting to get in a workout at home if they aren’t able to make it to the gym. It wont replace the gym, but is a nice alternative if traveling or time restraint.
Question: What kind of workout DVD’s have you tried? Did they work for you? I have always been a little skeptical of them as I have had a personal trainer & have felt the difference. Are they any you would recommend?


We may have lost, but it’s not all bad

by Destini on October 25, 2011

How was everyone’s Monday? Mine was typical, dragged on forever and wasn’t short enough. Tonight my husband & I went to The Jet’s game tonight…..we lost 2-1..close game!!! But it was still fun.

I love this man!!!!
For dinner I just ate some left over tofu scramble from Mama Pea @ Peas and Thank You
When I got home from the game I put together the crockpot for the Taco Chili from Skinny Taste. I can’t wait to try this tomorrow. Not much else to blog about today other then it being a silly Monday.
Question: What do you do to deal with Monday Blue’s? Do you get them?


Weekends go by way too fast!

October 24, 2011

How was everyone’s weekend? Was it busy? Was it relaxing? Mine was fantastic! Yesterday I attended the Winnipeg Green Lifestyle & Organic Living Show. It was great! I got some awesome swag and picked up some local organic honey, organic anti-viral echinacea *it’s about to get cold here, and with the colder weather comes the horrible colds, this was such a great deal! Usually it is $14.99 + tax but they had a special for the show that made it $10 with tax GO ME :)*  & organic lactose free mozzarella cheese for the husbands pizza.  I love getting honey in these little glass bear jars! So adorable 🙂 My friend came with me & gave me […]

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Roasted Garlic Chicken & Vegetables

October 22, 2011

  Hey Everyone, sorry for no posts this past few days. I have been sick with the stomach flu. Today I did go into work and managed to eat breakfast and a decent lunch. Go me!!! Now to the good stuff!!! I love easy scrumptious meals. One’s that make the whole house smell amazing and leave my mouth salivating for dinner! Well this is one of them. You probably have seen a million versions and this can be created into many more, but this is the most common in our house. And its a household favourite. Roasted Garlic Chicken & Vegetables Yield: 4 servings Ingredients 2 Large Carrots, cut into 2 inch pieces 1 […]

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Sunday Night Football Comfort Food

October 17, 2011

Hey Everyone!! How was your weekend? Mine was great! We hung out with some friends, had dinner at my moms house and played some Monopoly….I won! Yesterday was really relaxing. My husband is a football fan, so our Sundays are spent watching all the games. I do manage to clean the house, go grocery shopping and do laundry however.  For the evening game, the husband wanted one of his favorite comfort foods. Ol’school Shepherds Pie. This recipe is adapted from my moms. I wanted to make a little more healthy version of hers.  Sunday Night’s Shepherd Pie This recipe can be adjusted and made for vegan/vegetarians/meatatarians. My husband is lactose intolerant so I make it dairy […]

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Hello world!

October 17, 2011

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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