From the monthly archives:

November 2011

Holiday Cards + a Red Dress to Kill

by Destini on November 29, 2011

This time of year is a busy season for me.  I just had my wedding and already I am arms deep designing again! It’s great though 🙂 I have been pushing out a lot of new designs and absolutely content with life. I mailed out my Favorite Christmas Things Swap last week and soo excited for Erin to get her gift!!! I love Christmas!!!

This week I will be mailing out my Christmas Cookie Swap. I am excited for them. I used a favorite classic cookie, I tried several other recipes for possible exchange. But I couldn’t stop thinking about these! SO I went with my gut. I will post about these later!

I thought since I never show any of you my design work, that I would share a recent holiday card I did. This client has been with me for several years now. And they just added a new addition to their family. I always enjoy doing their photo cards! In fact they are the people who showed me my wedding photographer! I am ever so grateful for her! If you want to see some more of her photos check out Jennifer Lee Photography! You may even recognize a certain someone!

Now for these beauties honestly the most beautiful children

I did up three mock-ups. Two are the same, but with different colour variations. I like giving my clients alternatives to the normal Christmas colours. With this beautiful image, I didn’t want to take away too much from it with graphics. It is just soooo beautiful!




They also gave me several other photos. I did up another card with all three images.
The winner was the third!!!
This Saturday is my works Christmas party and it’s always a big formal event. Today I picked up the most amazing dress. Recently I died my hair from red to blonde. I thought with the wedding over it was time for a change. At first I wasn’t sure what to think of it. In fact I spent a whole day staring at it. How ridiculous is that? My poor husband heard every 5 seconds “Are you sure it look’s okay?” and now I LOVE IT!!. I usually am boring and always go with the safe bet and get a black cocktail dress for these events. But not this time! This time I got a BRIGHT red dress. And it look’s fabulous!
Queue that awkward iphone changing room photo

Due to how busy I have been, I have been eating a lot and I mean a lot of chicken + veggies. I am hopping this routine will end once I get these last holiday cards completed. I also been sweating my butt off at the gym. Due to a pipe being broken I haven’t gone this week yet. I am hoping it will be fixed soon. It may have been fixed today but I didn’t have a chance to check!!
*crosses her fingers it is open fully tomorrow* (Kim I bet you know?!?!?!)

And lastly! My new blog! It will be launched in the New Year! First week of January you will all be joining me over there! I got my wedding photo’s in hand! I will be doing several posts with them over the next few days.  As awesome as it’s been Running to the Aisle….I’m ready to be The Healthy Wife. I will be launching with a FANTASTIC giveaway(I know I keep holding this over your heads, but I promise it is great) and also several sweet recipes that I have squeezed in these past few weeks. I will also be launching a fully functional Empathy Designs website (my design biz). I have been designing some wonderful Wedding Invitions for 2012. So much happening!
Have a wonderful night!!
Question: Do you have a big work Christmas party? Do you get all done up? I find with it being usually the biggest event of my year(how sad is that?) that I always do! I know this year with the wedding I have had many reasons to get all purdy. But why stop now?


Sleep…it never feel’s like enough

by Destini on November 16, 2011

Does anyone else have this problem? The feeling of constant exhausting, sleeping till the very last min + more? I like to believe this may be the weather change. In Winnipeg, we have the most drastic weather. Our summers we can experience +35c(not including humidity) and in the winters -35(not including windchill). I work 9-5 at my day job, and most mornings are cloudy grey sky’s and most evenings when I leave work its already dark.

I eat clean
I workout
I take vitamins (B12, Iron, Omega-3, Calcium, Vitamin D3, Flintstones(Vitamin C)
I get 7 – 8 hours of sleep.
Eat a great breakfast (Never miss it)

So it must be the weather? Unless anyone else has any other suggestions for me.


I have a new recipe post x 2 coming up. I am trying to not put soo many new ones up on this site as it will soon be changing. I may export my old posts into my site…or I may not.

So many decisions!

I don’t have any fun or lovely photos to post.. SO I will show you some Miss. Tia

She like’s the heat of light bulbs. I am always scared she will burn herself

P.S I have seen all 1200+ of my wedding photos! Just waiting for the disc and I will share them with you! I love them. My photographer captured my day perfectly.

Question: What do you do when you have the winter blues? Do you take any supplements for them?


The crazyness has begun

November 8, 2011

Hey Everyone <—- I think I start all my posts this way, I must find more original greetings. Life has been extremely busy, but in a fantastic way. I have been working diligently on the new blog. It looks supertastic. I can’t wait for you all to see it. With the lovely launch only a couple weeks away, I have quite the lil giveaway to celebrate it 🙂 November makes me happy and think of Christmas, baking, food LOTS OF FOOD. And I just get this happy giddy feeling that something great is coming. But then I remember what also comes with November. This Yeah and that is nothing, it […]

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Halloween Cupcakes + The Pink Power Ranger

November 1, 2011

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!Halloween is one of my favourite holidays. I love seeing all the kids dressed up and having so much fun. Brings back some awesome memories. Every Halloween my best friend and I throw a big bash! This year was no different. Amazing decorations, awesome food and great company. Can I say great night? Oh yes I was a Pink Power Ranger! Now the only draw back to this is…..I left my camera at my best friends house… yep you heard me. All my photos of the party are sitting in my camera case…IN HER LIVING ROOM. So I don’t have really any to share sadly.. not yet anyways. But we […]

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