From the monthly archives:

February 2012

Dig Deeper – {A new tourture}

by Destini on February 28, 2012

I will be hearing “Dig Deeper” a lot over the next 60 days, well 58 now. I mentioned before that I was starting the Insanity workout. It was a week delayed as I was waiting for my friend in Quebec to get the disks too. Well she got em, and we started yesterday.

It was the Fit Test and I think it went pretty well. Today, well this was something that I can only say use one word to describe INSANE! I can see how they came up with the name. When I was done I had sweat dripping from every part of my body, TMI? Sorry but it’s the truth and it felt amazing. However tomorrow brings soreness and fear of what is to come….but the results way out the fear.

Tomorrow I am fortunately going to The Manitoba Food Blogger Meet-up! I am very excited to meet my fellow Manitoba bloggers!! Will be a blast.

I know this is a quick post, I’ve got a new vegan crockpot recipe for you this week and a new protein smoothie.

Have a great night!!!

Question: Have you ever heard of the Insanity Workout? Have you tried it? Would you try it?


Baked Lemon Garlic White Fish – {Recipe}

by Destini on February 23, 2012

One thing about Manitoba is we have a lot of lakes and I mean 110,000 lakes. With those types of stats it can only lead to an abundance of fresh water fish. I have always grown up having pickerel aka walleye. Never having craved, nor went out of my way to purchase or order in a restaurant. I ‘ve always just preferred to have salmon or some other non domestic fish on my plate. Yesterday my friend brought me a couple of pounds of extremely fresh, recently caught, never frozen walleye. I looked at it with a question of what? I’ve always only had pickerel breaded and fried, neither being quite appetizing. So with some brainstorming and some basic thoughts on how I like my fish, I came up with looking at the recipe you see the word “butter”. Don’t fret or be scared away. With maybe only 1-2 teaspoons of the garlic-lemon butter mixture only amounts to roughly 70 calories. That on top of 150 calorie 30g protein fillet can only amount to one big giant win of awesomeness.

Yields: 4 servings

  • 1lb white fish, skinned and deboned. (I used pickerel)
  • 1T + 1t of butter(I used Earth Balance Butter)
  • 1T of lemon Peper Spice
  • 2 halved lemons

Directions: pre-heat oven to 350 f, place fish on oiled oven safe dish(I used my glass 9×13) take butter and brush over fish, sprinkle spice and lightly squeeze some of the lemon halves on fish and place inside the pan. Cover with foil and bake for 10-15min. Remove foil then cook for another 5min or till fish is cooked

While the fish is cooking with the foil off start the garlic-lemon butter.


  • 1/2C of butter (Also used earth balance here)
  • 4-5 minced garlic cloves
  • 2T of chopped fresh parsley
  • 1t of ground pepper
  • juice of one freshly squeezed lemon

Directions: over medium-low heat melt butter, add garlic, parsley, pepper and lemon. Cook till butter is melted and appears mostly clear. I lowered my heat to low after the butter is melted so I didn’t burn it.

Serve the fish with a spoonful of the garlic-lemon butter on top. I steamed some veggies and cooked some brown rice to accompany them. This has officially become my favorite way to eat pickerel. Can’t wait to get some more!! My husband boasted this was the best pickerel he’s ever had!!


Question: what is a local fish in your area? Do you enjoy it? How do you eat it?

Hope everyone has a great Friday. Things are starting to become normal since my trip. I’m thinking it will take the weekend till in feel I’m caught up with everything. Sorry about the lighting in the photos, I can’t wait till the daylight lasts longer as when I get home it’s pretty much dark! Please come summer!!


My Trip – {recap}

February 21, 2012

Hey Everyone, I know it has been a few days since we have last spoken. Those of you that follow me on twitter know I was away visiting a friend in Quebec. I flew out to Ottawa early Thursday morning and returned late last night. My trip was fantastic. It was wonderful to see one of my very close friends. I miss her since she has moved. She lives in Gatineau, Quebec which actually is only 10-15min from downtown Ottawa. It was great being able to see our nation’s capital, I never realized how beautiful of a city Ottawa is. For any fellow Canadian’s if you haven’t been, you should go! […]

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Keep Calm + Love On

February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day Everyone! I am stealing this from my girl Lindsey at A running tale. I thought it would be perfect for today and with the Jet’s game tonight, I am not making anything fun for dinner. 1. How long have you and you significant other been together? 5 years this March 2. How did you meet? What’s your “love story”? We both used to work for a local ISP company in technical support. I was his Senior and would often have to fix his mistakes…(new job learning curve?). He started asking me out on dates but I was in another relationship and always declined. Fast forward almost a […]

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Red Velvet Cupcakes – {Vegan}

February 13, 2012

Today was a typical Monday. Nothing special happened really. This is a short week as I am going to Quebec Thursday.  A coworker is on holiday’s this week so I am working later. It put’s my whole body through a whirl of difference. I try to eat my meals the same time as usual, but just being at work later isn’t very enjoyable. George picked up dinner so I could come home and eat close to my normal time. That’s what husbands are for!  The rest of the week will be crockpot special! Though Thursday through Monday he will have to fend for himself. Is it weird that I am […]

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Chocolate Vegan Donuts with Cinnamon Heart Glaze

February 12, 2012

I’m not much for Valentines Day, not quite sure why but i’d never felt the attraction to it…till now. A reason to make scrumptious goodies- okay done! On a recent trip to the states I finally purchased a donut pan and Valentines Day was the prefect excuse to use it. I knew right away I wanted to make chocolate donuts. But hadn’t made up my mind for a glaze for them. So knowing my husband always has original ideas I asked him….what did he say? Cinnamon Hearts. I thought this was brilliant. However I was unsure of how to start this process. But I think I made it work with heat, water and icing sugar….And it […]

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