From the monthly archives:

March 2012

Lazy Spicy Olive Oil Spaghetti

by Destini on March 26, 2012

Tis a Monday, I dislike Mondays!  My weekend was really busy. I had some design work I needed to complete for a few clients and we also had a nail in the tire drama incident. Cars are wonderful and a pain all at the same time.

I wanted to make something quick and simple for dinner.  I have been making a lot more plant based dinners as my husband and I have been slowly switching our diets. This isn’t to say we are eliminating meat fully, but it may happen on it’s own. This dinner is super quick and delicious. My husband also suggested adding maybe sliced cherry or grape tomatoes and some green onion!!! The possibilities are endless.


  • 1lb whole wheat spaghetti
  • 4 minced garlic cloves
  • 1T red chili flakes
  • 1t basil
  • 1/2 cup EVOO
  • 1/4 cup fresh flat leaf parsley
  • sea salt
  • 1/2 cup sliced olives (optional)
  • 1/2 cup red pepper chopped (optional)

Directions: Cook spaghetti as per directions on box. Keep 2 tablespoons of reserved pasta water.  In a frying pan heat olive oil and add garlic over medium heat, cook for about one minute. Careful to not overcook the garlic. Add chili flakes, basil and reserved pasta water, continue to simmer for 1 more minute. Remove from heat, add pasta and toss with parsley, olives and red pepper.

I am officially done my first month of Insanity. This week is Recovery week. Which is still a lot of ridiculous cardio. I will be doing some extra weight training this week. Which I should actually always be doing. Tomorrow I will do my arms/shoulders!

Question: What is your favorite easy meal? Do you find you make easy meals on Monday’s? If not, what is your lazy meal day?

Cheers to Monday pretty much being over!!

Side note:  I can’t decide if I want to blog 5 days a week. Mixture of the week and maybe one post on the weekend. I wish I had the time to create beautiful recipes everyday for you guys, but I can’t. Do you find it boring if I post my workout/update/product purchases and recipes cooked/eaten that day? Or do you rather it to be strictly fresh recipes for you all to try and love? Let me know!!



My Week of Havoc

by Destini on March 19, 2012

This past week was one for the books. A lot going on and lot’s keeping me busy. On Wednesday I had to drop off  Tia at the vet for the day. She needed to have a urinalysis and some skin scraping. She appears to have really bad anxiety and it has been causing her to have accidents. Which is something out of the norm for her. She would be very upset after them, hiding and meowing under things and scurrying around. I felt horrible at the thought of even getting upset with her as she clearly is disciplining herself.  After all her tests, it is high anxiety and she has allergies from her cat litter (go figure). I now have her on an all natural anxiety pill and have switched her cat litter to an unscented dust free litter. Since all these change on Wednesday, no accidents have happened and she seems much more relaxed. More bratty if anything! We have been having a lot of Mad Men cuddle sessions on the couch. My girl needs her love!

Enough Tia talk.  I know I had more Irish recipes for you…but something happened. I had made this wonderful Vegan Irish Stew last Sunday, had planned to take photos of it Monday after work…what happened when I got home? Well Mr. apparently took the left overs for lunch. ACK 🙁 It’s partially my fault for not telling him I hadn’t yet taken photos. Serves me right for procrastinating.

Exercising has been the same for the last several weeks. Today I start week 4 of my Insanity workout. Can’t believe it’s already week 4! A lot of you have been asking me what exactly does Insanity consist of? So I have decided to make a post for it this week on the break down of the actual program. Maybe help you decide if you want to join in on this sweaty adventure.

I had a wonderful surprise waiting for me on Tuesday. The lovely and amazing Lindsey sent me some goodies from Trader Joe’s. I have never been so excited to open a package.

I got right into it and opened up the Cookie Butter and had a spoonful…yeah fat girl inside me got REALLLY excited. Thank you again Lindsey.

This weekend I went down to the States. I like to go down for a day trip as its only a 2.5 hour drive to Grand Forks and pick up some items that 1. Are not available to Canadians 2. The prices are so much better for health related items than our own.  I thought I would share some of my favorite finds.

Those Chili Lime Popchips are my FAVORITE kind! You can’t get them here yet. I bought three bags and one has already magically disappeared. The Coconut Chocolate Chip Clif bar is the same. Actually most of this you can’t get here. I love <3 it all! I finally got to try Choban Blood Orange greek yogurt. And it sucks that I am in love with it as I am  unable to purchase it locally. I had gotten Justin’s Maple Almond Butter in single serving packets the last time I was in the states and my husband and I both fell in love. It was a little more expensive….but we will savour it! Every last bit. I can’t wait to try that Archer Farms Coconut Macroon coffee. Doesn’t that sound just amazing? One thing about the states is they have something called Sweet Tea. Not ice tea like here…but sweet tea AND I LOVE IT. I found this semi healthy sweet tea. Organic black tea with real cane sugar. I can’t wait to have some.

Sorry for the long ramble of a post! I just wanted to share with you all about what was going on. I have a few new ideas running through my head and will be creating and sharing with you all very soon. I have a sick husband who is waiting for my attention so I must go. Have a Happy Monday!

Question: Have you tried any of those items? If so what was your favorite? What are some of your favorite items you can’t get locally? Links are welcome



Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes – {Vegan}

March 12, 2012

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine as you will see over the next couple day’s was full of Irish flair and lot’s of Irish booze. I didn’t consume much (other than the required quality control testing) but I sure cooked/baked with it a lot. My “I get to bake with alcohol” face I am so excited to share these recipes with you all. Let’s jump right into the desert. Skip dinner and get to the good stuff!  I’ll admit what is below isn’t the most healthy cupcake around. In fact it’s full of alcohol. But the truth is that I wish I could just take the day off work […]

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Cherry Almond Butter – {Recipe}

March 6, 2012

If you haven’t noticed, I obsess over a lot of types of food.  In fact you would think I have an obsessive personality. Which I may or may not have.  Now I know all us bloggers have squeezed out every bit of almond butter recipes known to man. But couldn’t we all use one more? I know almond butter is a MUST have in my cupboard. It goes as quickly as it comes. I had some dried cherries in the cupboard and thought “well I really love cherries and almond butter in my smoothies, so why not save a step and mix them together?” Well I did just that and […]

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Feel Better Lentil Soup – {Recipe-Vegan}

March 5, 2012

I have been feeling quite crummy these past few days. Yep! The Healthy Wife has been The Sick Wife. This being the reason for my lack of posts last week.  It started as a sore throat and has become a runny nose, achy body and that oh so appreciated sore throat. Is it just me or does this happen to other people? I can be congested and successfully go on with my day(minus a box of Kleenex and a red nose), but once the sore throat comes…I am a gonner. Pack my bags and sign me up to my bed as I have checked in for an extended stay. I […]

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