From the monthly archives:

July 2012

July Foodie Penpal

by Destini on July 31, 2012

It’s that time again, Foodie Penpal!! I have now been part of this for several months and each time I get super excited when my parcel arrives. This time was no exception, I was very fortunate to receive my foodie penpal package from Jordan at Kitchen Karate. Check him out!

I had seen those Veggie straws, never realized how yummy they were!

Now check out these adorable little measuring spoons out?!?!  Not only does Jordan have a food blog….but he also has an adorable store that sells cute kitchen things like this! Check out I’m With Cupcake!

Thank you again Jordan for  your wonderful items 🙂

My Foodie Penal was Devon, Devon doesn’t have a blog, but wanted me to include a writeup and photo of what I sent her 🙂


I’m a big fan of great food items and Destini included a few of her
Manitoba favourites, (along with a beautiful handwritten note) some of
which are:

A blueberry jam that she describes as “perfectly sweet”.  I look forward to
tomorrow morning’s breakfast!  Destini also included a favourite honey of
hers, an unpasteurized clover honey.  In addition to the honey she also
included a chocolate and lemon honey.  I have never tried chocolate honey
before but as an avid chocolate lover I am quite intrigued!  My package
also included a KIND peanut butter and dark chocolate bar.  I’m snacking on
it as I write this summary and it’s delicious!  I look forward to the two
tea selections that Destini inlcuded;  an organic Tulsi sweet rose tea, as
well as a Detox tea made with Dandelion.  (The honey will be a nice
accompaniment with the tea).

This is my first foodie pen pal exchange and I am very pleased with
Destini’s selection of lovely food items she chose to send me.


If you would like to participate or learn more about Foodie Penpals, Please see Lindsay’s blog for more info! I won’t be participating in August due to a chaotic month! But will come back in September!



Weekend Update – via Instagram

by Destini on July 29, 2012

What a relaxing weekend it has been! Today a little more busier than normal. But some wonderful recipes happened and I can’t wait to share them with you!

My weekend via instagram

Time to catch up on any of the Olympic games I have missed! See you tomorrow!!

Question: Do you watch the olympics? What is your favorite sport?


Red Cabbage Slaw

July 23, 2012

Is it just me? No matter how much sleep you get, how calm or even how busy work is, when you come home on Monday’s you are zonked? That is me today, and I am thanking smart Destini yesterday for prepping and getting my dinner ready last night. Tonight we had Epicures Pulled Pork recipe, but I use chicken instead of the suggested pork. Got that ready in the slow cooker and then went right into this colourful light red cabbage slaw! Due to everything I stated above, this post will be short, sweet and right to the point! This will be great for any potluck or BBQ. Ingredients: Yields: 12 […]

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Weekend Update – via Instagram

July 22, 2012

ACK! That time again! Sunday and the weekend almost over 🙁 I hope everyone had an amazing weekend. Here is my weekend via instagram Quite the amazing weekend I must say! Also, check out my hubby?!?!?! He makes me feel special everyday! Can’t believe I am so lucky!! Oh and stay tuned for that amazing vegan red cabbage slaw tomorrow! This stuff is amazing! I can eat a whole bowl. No lies. I love you guys too much to lie to you like that!! xoxo   Question: What did you do this weekend? Share, tell, I am nosey and love knowing 🙂

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My Running Adventure – Sick, Sweat & Shine

July 19, 2012

As promised, I wanted to share with you my adventure of my training for 5k. With many suggestions(you guys totally rock) I got myself the gadgets, apps, and gear to make this happen. I just completed my first week. Due to this recent heat wave, I wasn’t able to follow my first week exactly. But did get all 3 days in! Go me 😀 I have three things running on my iPhone when I go out on my runs: 1. An amazing playlist (this is the must and a BIG help) 2. Map My Run – this uses the iPhone GPS and will track my route and also inform me […]

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Weekend Update – via Instagram

July 15, 2012

Sadly another weekend has come and gone. Here is my weekend via Instagram XOXO

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