From the monthly archives:

August 2012

Spinach Basil Spaghetti

by Destini on August 29, 2012

One of the first things I cooked for myself when I moved out was spaghetti. The sauce came from a can, the spaghetti was white and I think I even threw in a can of sliced mushrooms. Aw the good old days. When George and I moved in together this was also the first thing I cooked for him. And because I was so nervous…I burnt the pasta. What a fail? George often asks for it, and over the years I have adapted and moved away from the can of sauce, the white spaghetti noodles and canned mushrooms. I also would like to believe the noodle burning is in the past. But kitchen fumbles happen all the time, I am sure Martha has them too 🙂

Adapted from Oh She Glows


  • 1 28oz can of crushed tomatoes
  • 1 cup of yellow onion, diced
  • 3-4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2T of Epicure Marinara Seasoning
  • 3T Nutritional Yeast
  • 1/2 cup zucchini, chopped
  • 1/2 cup chopped carrots
  • 1pkg of Italian Veggie Ground(I use Yves)
  • 1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
  • 4-5 fresh basil leaves, chopped
  • 2 handfuls of spinach, chopped
  • Sea Salt & Pepper
  • Whole Wheat Pasta Spaghetti
  • 4T EVOO

Directions: In a large skillet over medium heat, sautè onion and  garlic in 2T EVOO, cook till onions start to turn translucent. Add half of the sliced mushrooms and cook for 1 more min. Add spices and continue to cook for another minute. Add crushed tomatoes, nutritional yeast and basil, bring to a bubble and lower heat to a low simmer.  Start your pasta.

In a medium skillet over medium heat, add 2T of EVOO saute zucchini, carrots and the rest of the sliced mushrooms, season with pepper and salt, cook for 1-2 min, add veggie ground and cook for another 3-4min.

Two minutes before pasta is finished cooking, add chopped spinach to the sauce. Mix well. Layer pasta, “meat” mixture and sauce.

The left over sauce freezes well too! We always have some in our freezer

I have 32 days till I run my first 5k! Running is getting easier. I am really enjoying running at dusk along the river. I am hoping this becomes something that will be part of my weekly workout. It holds a very freeing feeling. Winter may be a little more difficult as I live in “Winterpeg”. But we will see.

Question: What was the first thing you remember cooking for yourself when you moved out? How did it turn out?


The Skinny Mojito

by Destini on August 23, 2012

If you recall on Tuesday’s post, I mentioned my mom’s tropical party included mojito’s. Well what kind of food blogger would I be if I didn’t share this recipe with you. It is easy, and it isn’t full of sugar that will go to those hips!

Ingredients: 1 drink, but the mix can be used for 5-6

  • 1pkg of Crystal Light Mojito Mix
  • 1.5l water
  • 1.5oz of Vodka or White Rum *note below*
  • 5 mint leaves
  • ice
  • limes sliced in 8ths

Directions: Mix water and mix together in a large jug. In a tall glass, place mint leaves, slice of a lime and using a pestle muddle till leaves are slightly wilted. Top off with ice, rum and mix. Stir and serve!

Note: This is up to you, but any of the alcohol you use, just make sure it’s clear

So delicious! Cheers 🙂

This weekend I am off to my best friends cabin for a all girls weekend! We do this every year! Very very excited!

Hope everyone has  a wonderful weekend 🙂

Question: What is your favorite drink drink? As fun as mojito’s are, I can usually only have one. I’m a red wine girl!


Piña Colada Cupcakes – Vegan

August 21, 2012

This past weekend I celebrated my Moms birthday. She asked for nothing; seriously nothing…wait that is wrong she asked for placemats! How practical? and how boring! In a need to stop the boring placemats birthday, I decided to make her a tropical birthday. She had leis, glow sticks, bonfire, mojito’s and……..Piña Colada Cupcakes! Now this recipe wasn’t something new to me, I had created these last December for my best friends birthday and always meant to share them with you…but I wanted to wait till I could display them in all their glory! This recipe is a party in your mouth and the accessories that can be added is too […]

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Maple Tamari Grilled Tofu with Peach Salsa

August 18, 2012

Hope all of you enjoyed my crazy cat lady moment. It is something that can be used against me if anyone needs proof of insanity 🙂 Here is the promised recipe that would have been posted thursday had I not jumped off the deep end. This will actually be two lovely recipes, but when put together they are like peanut butter and jelly. I think I have used that analogy before. But I love PB&J! You will want to start this recipe the night before or earlier in the day. That way the tofu soaks in all the flavors. And the peach salsa has time to party 🙂 Also another […]

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A Cats Birthday – by the Crazy Cat Lady

August 16, 2012

Today’s post was originally a maple tamari grilled tofu with a peach salsa, but I can’t avoid this loud little annoyance that I love with all my heart. If you haven’t guessed, it’s my kitten Tia’s birthday. Though I suppose she isn’t quite a kitten anymore is she? Today this extremely loud, quite ridiculous, full of energy and my four legged best friend of love is 10 years old! I honestly can’t believe how much time has passed.  And truth be told, it scares me. But let’s not talk about that.  Let’s talk about her! WARNING if you don’t care about Tia or cats or any of this, come back […]

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I’m Back – Whole Chicken & Vegetables in Slow Cooker

August 13, 2012

WHOOHOO I am back! Not 100% healthy yet, but I don’t feel like death anymore.  Big giant positive! This past Saturday I celebrated my 29th Birthday. It was fantastic! I am surrounded by some amazing people and can’t get over how fortunate I am!<3 <3 <3 Love my friends! Now onto the yummys! This is now a Sunday staple in my home. I spruce it up differently or just have it the way it is below. It is sooooo delicious and so simple that I feel like I win each time. My Sunday’s can be quite crazy, and honestly this has made them relaxing the way they should be. Every […]

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