From the monthly archives:

September 2012


by Destini on September 29, 2012

Happy Saturday everyone! It is absolutely beautiful here today, so this will be short and sweet.

Thank you to everyone that participated in the giveaway. You have shared some awesome cookbooks! But we can only have one winner!

Congratulations to Kylie!!

Please email me your address to .

I am off to enjoy this adorable Caribbean restaurant called Deens. They have live music on the patio and fantastic food. Tomorrow is my 5k run! I will fill you all in how that goes. I am a little nervous! EEKKK



TGIF Giveaway

by Destini on September 21, 2012

TGIF!! I say this every week and it never gets old. This weekend we are celebrating our first year wedding anniversary. Going out for a nice dinner. I love food 🙂


Love this photo 🙂 Such a lucky gal I am

A few weeks ago on I mentioned that if I got 200 likes by Friday, I would do a giveaway…..and you did it!

Thank you so much for all your love and support. I just do this for fun and you all have made it an amazing adventure. To return the love, let’s do this giveaway.

I have TONS of cookbooks. I love them. I get inspiration from them, make amazing dinners and just love looking at pictures. This is currently one of my favorites .

I often try to eat as clean as possible and this book has helped me along that path.

It is easy to enter; just do the mandatory entry and if you want to enter more than once do the extra options. This giveaway ends Saturday September 29th @ 12:01am.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck and have a great weekend 🙂



Banana Chocolate Marble Loaf

September 20, 2012

I know I know two desert recipes in one week might be a overload. But I had some ripe bananas and was craving chocolate. Why not create a marble loaf and call it bliss. This recipe is vegan and extremely moist. I often use that when describing my cake type deserts, but it is important. I find people have this strange notion that vegan deserts might be dry as they don’t have eggs or milk. Which is the absolutely incorrect. Ingredients: 3 very ripe bananas, mashed 2/3 cup of granulated sugar 1 t vanilla extract 2 T canola oil 1/3 c almond milk 1 c all-purpose flour 1/2 c whole […]

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Healthy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

September 18, 2012

How about we call this last Tuesday? This post is late, a week late. I have been studying for a work certification, football has returned AND I am trying to get in as much running as I can for my upcoming 5k. Life has been busy. But things are slowing down and I am spending my Sundays in the kitchen cooking up things for the blog again! If you recall, every Tuesday Courtney and I will be doing Vegan Tuesdays and this is my VERY first one. George is obsessed with oatmeal raisin cookies. It is his number one requested cookie of any. And he didn’t let me get away […]

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Vegan Tuesdays

September 4, 2012

Wowzer, today has just been one of those days for the books. I knew today would be busy, it being the first day back from a long weekend. But I never anticipated it would have been THIS busy. I was swamped all day at work, and didn’t get out till an hour and some after my shift ended. I had to come up with a quick simple dinner and get in a run. By the time this was all done…it was late. Too late to photograph and edit the pictures for today’s post, and it just wasn’t any post, it was the post to introduce you to a brand new feature every […]

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