From the monthly archives:

October 2012


by Destini on October 24, 2012

Hey everyone, sorry for being MIA lately. We have been dealing with some unexpected medical issues that has left my blog a little on the back burner. I will be back next week with some wonderful new posts.

Thank You all for being understanding




Skinny Pumpkin Latte

by Destini on October 2, 2012

A few weeks ago I was in the USA doing some shopping (This girl loves LOVES Target), the weather was warm, but October was coming and us foodies know what that means ….. PUMPKIN!! I may or may not have bought pumpkin everything. And this makes me extremely excited. One of the things I did get was a Sugar Free Archer Farms Spiced Pumpkin Coffee Syrup. I also got pumpkin spiced coffee, but I didn’t use if for t his recipe below. Every fall I look forward to Starbucks Pumpkin Spiced Latte. The thought that I may be able to attempt to do this at home was beyond exciting…however I don’t have a frother. With a little help from YouTube, I managed to get my latte.

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Ingredients: Yields 1 serving

Directions: Brew espresso (I used my french press), while that is brewing take almond milk and pour it into cocktail shaker, dance around kitchen and do the shake for about 30seconds, pour  your agitated almond milk into a microwave safe container and heat on high for 30 seconds. In a mug add the spiced pumpkin coffee syrup, Pour freshly brewed espresso and stevia, stir contents, carefully add the agitated almond milk to your coffee, top with the foam. Finish off with a sprinkle of pumpkin spice. Enjoy 🙂

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There is usually more froth, but I wasn’t fully setup for this photo. My bad 🙁

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Yes please 🙂

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Love this stuff! It is seasonal and they also have a non sugar free option as well.

I am off to Bluefish for sushi tonight! Mmmmmm sushi. I am in the process of writing my running follow up to share with you all. I have an unexpected conclusion from all of this that I must share!

Night 🙂

What is your favorite part about fall? Mine is clearly all the PUMPKIN

Also, a new fun contest that I recently shared on my page. Eat Clean Carbs Contest! I love the Eat Clean books. And jumped right into this contest!!