From the monthly archives:

January 2013

No-Mayo Egg Salad Sandwich

by Destini on January 29, 2013

I know it is Tuesday and what is below isn’t vegan. But I leave tomorrow and wanted to share this recipe with you before I go! It is honestly one of my favorite sandwiches. In fact I am eating it for lunch now! It is a fantastic healthy, high protein meal and tastes fantastic. *note to self, look in thesaurus for alternative adjectives* For now, fantastic will have to do!

Ingredients: Yields 4 sandwiches

  • 6 large eggs
  • 1-2T Greek yogurt
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Squeeze of lemon juice
  • pinch of smoked paprika
  • 2 stalks celery, washed and chopped
  • 2 green onions, chopped
  • handful of lettuce
  • 8 slices of whole grain bread, toasted

Directions: Place eggs in pot and cover with water by a 1inch. Bring water to boil. Turn off the heat, cover and let sit for 7 minutes. Drain water, and place eggs into ice water for a couple minutes. Peel eggs, add greek yogurt, spices & lemon juice. Mash with a fork, don’t over mash! Add in green onions & celery. Place on toasted bread over lettuce.

I usually have an open face sandwich with one piece of bread. I find this to be a very filling sandwich. Also you could use Mayo instead of Greek yogurt. It is completely up to you!

I leave tomorrow bright and early at 6:30am!!, we will have to get up at 4:20am YIKES. Once again…not a morning person. This will be hard!

Talk to you all soon!

Question: What is your favorite type of sandwich? What makes it taste soo good? Or what do you usually eat for lunch?


Mini Egg White Frittata

by Destini on January 27, 2013

Sorry for the lateness in this post! I was having issues with my Lightroom application, but it’s all fixed now! Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. That being said, during the week I usually will have either a breakfast cookie, toast with PB or overnight oats in a jar. I am not a morning person, I wish I was, but I’m not. On the weekends however, I tend to make a very big breakfast. But sometimes breakfast turns into brunch(remember not a morning person) and I need to make a mixture of things and these little mini egg white frittatas are just that!

Ingredients: Yields 12

  • 1 cup egg whites( I used egg whites in a carton, but it should be about 5 egg whites)
  • 2  eggs (you can omit these and put 1 1/4 cup of egg white in total instead)
  • 2 green onions, chopped
  • 1/4c red pepper, diced
  • handful of spinach, stems cut off & spinach roughly chopped
  • 4 fresh basil leaves, chopped
  • 2/3 c water
  • 1/3c of goat feta
  • salt & pepper

Directions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Prepare a 12-cup muffin tin by coating each cup with cooking spray. In a large bowl, whisk together eggs, salt & pepper. Transfer egg mixture to a 2 cup measuring cup, add water till you have 2 cups of liquid(if you have extra water, dont worry just dump it).Mix mixture till it is all even. Divide the green onions, red pepper, spinach & basil between the muffin tin cups. Fill each muffin cup with egg mixture to no more than 3/4 full.

Bake for 15min, take out of oven and sprinkle with goat cheese, continue baking for another 5-10 till egg is set and the tops of the frittats are starting to brown. Run a knife around the edge of each frittata and gently life them out. Serve Immediately.

Left overs can be stored in a airtight container. Reheat at 350 degrees for 3 to 4 min.

Funny story about these, the first batch I sprinkled some goat cheese on, not realizing that the goat cheese had gone bad……It was the worst smell ever. I didn’t smell it till they were IN the oven. I had to air out the house. Horrible!

This Wednesday my husband and I will be going down south to Arizona for the week. I am extremely excited!! It has been -40 with the windchill this past week here in Winnipeg, so we are more than ready to get out! I am looking for anyone to do a guest blog post for while I am away! If you are interested, please contact me ASAP and we will get it setup. It can be a food recipe, something regarding health or exercise. If you are interested email

Question: where are good places to eat in Scottsdale Arizona? Any suggestions? Places to see?


What’s Up Friday

January 25, 2013

Thursday’s Food post will actually be posted tomorrow(Saturday). Having some issues with my Lightroom application and Today is my first Winnipeg Jet’s game of the shortened NHL Season!! But I thought I would start sharing what I have been loving this week with “What’s Up Friday” Pintrest I have been going CRAZY on Pintrest lately. I have been a member for quite awhile, but only recently been extremely addicted. If you don’t, follow my Pintrest account :). I love clothes, love buying clothes, love wearing clothes, but I have absolutely no fashion sense. But I am a GREAT copycat and thank god for pintrest. Here is some recent outfits I […]

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January 18, 2013

Completely excited about this! I am now taking sponsors! If you are interested, please see my sponsor page for all the details!   Have a wonderful weekend 🙂  

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A cold Ninja Juice Recipe

January 17, 2013

It’s been awhile, I know. I was looking back through some old posts and noticed this has become too common of a situation. I wish I knew why. I have long lists of upcoming posts and things I want to share, but life sometimes just gets in the way. One of my goals for the New Year is to make this no longer a situation. I often find myself 5ft deep in projects. I love projects…however finishing projects is a different thing, they get done. But not in the time frame I would like.  BAD DESTINI! As most of you know, there has been some serious bad strains of the […]

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