From the monthly archives:

April 2013

April Favourites – Beauty

by Destini on April 30, 2013

It is Tuesday, but it is also the last day of the month(can’t believe tomorrow is May 1st….and it snowed tonight! ARGH!).I thought I would share some of my favourite products that I have used this past month. And let me stress favourite!!!!!

Some of these are new some are older, but they are all things I am completely loving right now. Not all my favourites are makeup, but also some snack-y type things. Let’s get this started!

I had to do this one first!! I am sure many of you have heard of the Urban Decay Naked palette. It is one of my favourite favourte makeup palette’s. This is the second edition to that and I FINALLY got it! I won’t lie; I may have jumped up and down when it arrived in the mail. But then again, when it comes to mail- I just love getting it 🙂

Some people don’t like this palette as much as the first, but I think I might disagree. I love the natural tones on the left, and the late night smokey colours on the right. I have been using these shadows almost religiously all month, both day and night looks. I also really liked the double ended brush they included. The quality of brush is pretty darn amazing for a palette brush, but then again I shouldn’t expect anything less from Urban Decay. You can get this palette at for $60 for us Canadian folks. Americans I think get it for $50. Either way, worth every penny.

For those of you that follow me on Instagram won’t be too shocked by these Essie Polishes popping up in this post. I have quickly became a HUGE fan of these. I had seen them on other fellow bloggers sites for some time now, but never wanted to pay the $11.99 for them, till they were on sale. I had no choice but to buy them… it has grown into a VERY fast obsession.

The colours above are “in the cab-ana” & “turquoise & caicos”. I was wearing the green one during my Glossybox Unwrapping video. Such a great colour!

This stuff is just HEAVENLY! This is Philosophy’s French Vanilla Bean. The first time I used it my husband came to give me a hug and said I smelled like cookies! Let’s be serious, we all know that is the way to any mans heart….smelling like cookies! Or well, I suppose bacon may also be another way to a mans heart, but I rather not smell like meat LOL. As you can see by how much is gone, I have been using this for a couple months. I don’t like using a luffa(the word alone is just weird, but really lets not go into that), this does cause me to have to use more in the shower however. I may have to invest in one though as this is roughly $21 a bottle!!(SHHHHHhh don’t tell George :p)

My mother in law had given me this tester of Clinque lash doubling mascara a little while ago and I just got around to using it this week…boy was I surprised by it. I usually use Maybelline’s Colossal Mascara, but this one just impressed me as soon as I applied it. My lashes were long and I LOVED the brush. I like bristle brushes. I will have to pick up a full size soon.

Another shocker with this. I was pleasantly impressed with L’oréal Magic Skin Beautifier BB Cream. I usually use MAC’s Studio Fix Fluid NW13, but this is great just for everyday, no hustle makeup. I had read that people found it gritty on application, which it starts off as, but it smooths out just great after rubbing it in. It has a nice light colour, matched my skin tone pretty good and without making me look more like a ghost(if that is possible). I would recommend this as a reasonably priced BB cream.

I’m pretty picky when it comes to fragrance . I don’t often wear perfume, but would rather go to a body mist for daily or for after the gym. When we go out in the evenings I do enjoy wearing something. This is Chanel’s Chance Eau Tendre. I didn’t think I would like this as much as I do, but I LOVE it. And a little goes the long way. This bottle will last me FOREVER, which is probably good as I believe it’s over $100 a bottle. Lucky for me I was given this as a gift or I doubt I would have picked it up to even smell it. It is very light and fruity, with a touch of grapefruit. Nice and fresh!

Now onto some snacks!

I recently found these at Costco and LOVE them. Just a wonderful quick and simple snack. I have to really watch how much I eat or I will eat that whole container. They call it an “Energy Blend”, it has Edamame, Cranberries, Almonds & Pumpkin Seeds(not sure why they say Kernels, they are seeds).

And last but definitely not least

I also found these at Costco and they must be one of my favourite finds. They are a gluten-free all natural bar. Can’t really go wrong with that. They had three flavours in the box, but this is my favourites 🙂

Tonight was Day 2 for me in the Revolt Fitness program, I will be doing a weekly update on Friday, but let me tell you that so far I love it! Pretty surprised by how much I am loving it. I will go into great detail all on Friday.

Nothing else really exciting over here. Just doing this program and focusing on getting that done. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and have a great night.

Question: What were some of you your favourites this month? Have you tried any of mine?

Note: None of these products are sponsored products. All are just my favourites 🙂


Fitness Friday – Revolt Fitness

by Destini on April 28, 2013

This should have been posted “Friday”, but I left it as a “Draft” instead of giving it a publish date…..seriously? Sometimes I wonder how I get myself ready everyday. Sorry guys xoxo


Sometimes I say “yes” to things and think later “what did you get yourself into Destini?”. This is possibly one of those things. I said yes, not because I felt I NEEDED to do this, but thought this would be great for the summer. Even better if I could find a wonderful program that would help many of you reach some goals 🙂

Starting Monday I will be doing the Revolt Fitness Program for 12 weeks-yeah 12 weeks!

The program is hosted with the most adorable lady Nicole Huntsman. She seems very motivational and just wonderful.  I have done previous workout plans before, and thought this one is perfect for me too. When I was contacted by Revolt Fitness asking if I wanted to be part of a group of bloggers doing the program all at the same time, I wanted to check out the site and Facebook page to make sure this is something I can see worth the next 12 weeks. I quickly knew right away that this would be a wonderful program to try.

Each participant will get a 6-week workout plan and a 6-week diet plan that includes a designed meal plan. This is EXTREMELY helpful when trying to stick to something like this. And yes I did say 6 weeks, not 12 like I will be doing.  To help with the workout plan, they also have daily workout videos for you to follow that are available online. I must say that the online community for this program is the biggest plus for it. I have been on the Facebook page and love interaction from the participants and Nicole herself.

Over the next 12 weeks I will share my week with you all on Fridays. I will give you both the pros & cons of the plan, how I am feeling and anything that is bugging me. As always I will be 100% honest with you all. These types of programs don’t show results with just wish and thought, they work because you worked your arse off. I won’t try and tell you otherwise.

For more information about Revolt Fitness please vist their page or see the here.

Don’t fret about food recipes either. I have been cooking and shooting up a storm. They will be posted weekly as per usual. That being said, you may see recipes that aren’t 100% healthy and not something that will be part of my program. I often develop/cook/shoot recipes over the weekends and share them with you all during the week.

 My weekly posts will be a submenu under “Health & Fitness”


Question: What would you like me to document during this program? What are you interested in?



Check it out! I made a video – Glossybox Feb Box

April 24, 2013

Don’t be afraid, though I know I am! This isn’t going to be about food or fitness…this is about BEAUTY! I have decided to try something a little different today. And if you guys like it, I will do it more often. I have decided to dedicate some Wednesdays out of the month to review or talk about some beauty products that I use regularly or recently picked up. Now don’t be fooled (though I’m sure you weren’t) I’m not a beauty expert by ANY means. Just a girl that loves to try new things. To make this extra different, I made a video!! Look at me all on YouTube […]

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Vegetarian Minestrone Soup

April 23, 2013

When George had his surgery I knew he wouldn’t be able to eat a whole lot after. I figured soup would probably be the best bet. While he was in surgery I made this soup as I know it’s full of flavour and quite filling. This soup is vegan and gluten free, but is great for anyone!! Happy Vegan Tuesday! Ingredients: Yields 5-6 LARGE servings 1 large onion, minced 4 garlic cloves, minced 2T EVOO 3 large carrots, chopped 1 large yukon potato 6 cups of vegetable broth 1 can chickpeas, rinsed 1 28oz diced tomatoes with juice 3 celery stalks, chopped 1T oregano 1t thyme 2 bay leaves 2T tomato paste salt and […]

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Weekend Update – via Instagram & winner

April 22, 2013

Happy Monday!! First off, I just wanted to say a big giant THANK YOU to everyone that entered The Everything Guide to LIving Gluten-Free cookbook giveaway! So many of you left amazing comments. I sat there reading them with George and we were just shocked at how much gluten is affecting so many of you.  I was happy that I was able to help out in some way! The winner of the giveaway is Congrats! Please email me your shipping address at Now onto my weekend via instagram! See you all tomorrow with Vegan Tuesday.  

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A Gluten-Free Cookie, A Cookbook & A Giveaway!!!

April 15, 2013

That is quite the title isn’t it? I appreciate the fact I felt it needed to all be included. This has been a long awaited post. Things have been a little crazy around here, but thats how it goes sometimes. George finally had his surgery for his deviated septum. He is recovering, doing well and life is starting to get back to normal. The surgery didn’t go 100% as planned, he did end up having to stay in the hospital overnight due to some bleeding. He got to come home the next day and now it has been just over two weeks of recovery. I know he would have liked this to […]

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