From the monthly archives:

May 2013

Fitness Friday – Check-in – Week 4

by Destini on May 24, 2013

Happy Friday everyone!

First off I want to say one GIANT Happy Birthday to my best friend and amazing husband! George I am truly lucky everyday to have you in my life. You make me giggle like a school girl and truly make me a better person. Love you!!!

He likes to do Grumpy Cats Face 🙂

In Canada, Monday was a holiday and I did all my prepping for the week on that day. What did I do on my usually Sunday prep day? I recouped from Georges birthday celebrations(we celebrated last week). I may have had a glass or two of wine….anyways, I won’t pretend to you guys that I worked out on Monday, because that would be a lie. I took Monday off and instead of using Wednesday this week as my rest day, I did the missed cardio session. Now to say I haven’t been a little extra sore this week would be an understatement. But I am committed to this and didn’t want to let myself down. The best part about all this is that I am SOOOOO grateful I didn’t. I’ve been noticing some HUGE differences this week. I have lost another couple inches from my entire body. But that isn’t what is the difference, it’s the firmness. George has also noticed it too! This girl is getting strong again!!

My pink kettlebells arrived this week, they make working out fun! I know such a girl right? LOL

Okay, I know the new Revolt Fitness Uprising is just around the corner(June 3rd) and like I said yesterday, I want a TEAM of Healthy Wife readers to join in! I will even do the detox week with you all! Let’s make each other accountable. Best support team. Since I believe SOO much in this program, I have decided to give one lucky winner a YEAR membership to the program. That is a $50 value. But because we are running out of time till the next uprising, this has to happen NOW!

This is open to CANADA & USA. It will end one week from TODAY Friday May 31st.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Also, please don’t forget about the MASSIVE giveaway!! WOW soo many giveaways 🙂

Well I am off to the grocery store. Need to get all the supplies for some very special dinners.


Lemon Roasted Chicken

by Destini on May 23, 2013

It’s sunny and the weather is finally warming up here. Too bad I have been sick for almost two weeks.  But thing’s are looking up, I’m not feeling like complete death anymore, just congested. I have kept to my workout plan though. I feel this helps speed up the healing. Don’t have a verdict on this yet.

One of the major questions I have gotten when asked about my Revolt Fitness program is “What are you eating? Rice crackers?” and my response “Heck no! Delicious clean food”. For any of you that have been following my blog for sometime know that I love love love FOOD. It’s a passion. I knew I would have to incorporate some of my own meals into the plan. And it needed to be something simple and I could prep on Sunday for some meals through the week.

Ingredients: Yields 4 servings

  • 4 boneless chicken breasts
  • juice from 1 lemon
  • 2t mustard powder
  • 1t garlic powder
  • 1t Italian seasoning
  • 1/2t ground black pepper
  • sprinkle of evoo

Directions: Preheat oven to 350c, mix all spices in a bowl together, place to the side. In an oven safe baking dish place the chicken down, and pour lemon juice over-top, sprinkle with a little bit of evoo. Make sure you flip the chicken and coat the chicken with lemon juice and evoo. Coat the chicken on both sides with the spices, place in oven, uncovered and bake for 25-30min.

Super moist, delicious & CLEAN!

It freezes really well for this diet plan! Prep on Sunday and you are good for the week 🙂

I know I have been talking a lot about this fitness program but it’s such a large portion of my life right now. I love the sore muscles and sweaty workouts! If you want to try a free week of Revolt Fitness check it out!! As I said on Tuesday I want to get a whole team of Healthy Wife readers joining the next uprising on June 3rd!!!

Tonight we are going to my In-Laws for dinner for George’s birthday dinner. His birthday is tomorrow, trust me…his Saturday is FULL of amazing meals! I’ll have to share some photos. He is on call for work, we did go out last Saturday to celebrate with the friends. But this weekend I will keep his belly full of delicious clean food!!! OH and gluten free!!

OH and please don’t forget to enter the MASSIVE Giveaway a bunch of us Revolt Bloggers are doing!! I apologize to all my Canadian friends, this is USA only. But I will be doing another giveaway NEXT week that is open to all of you!!

I have found lately that I have been so busy again, I was telling George that I couldn’t remember the last time I read a book. ME?!? I was reading 1-2 books a week a couple years ago. I spent some time downloading some new books for my kindle last night and will be making an extra effort to take time to read. I was wanting to start possibly an online book club. Every month we do a Google Hangout and discuss the book. Would this be something that would interest you guys? Let me know in the comments!!

Love ya guys 🙂

Destini <3


Fit Into Summer Giveaway!!!!

May 21, 2013

I know you’ve been hearing sooo much about my Revolt Fitness program and it’s because it has been such an amazing adventure. I just started week 4 and honestly just finished my lower body sculpt and let the below picture explain it all! Yeah…… 🙂 Right now Revolt Fitness has a FREE week! No excuses guys!! The next Uprising starts June 3rd! I’d love for a bunch of Healthy Wife Readers to join in! We can be one giant awesome sweaty team!! <3 Well myself and 14 other lovely Revolt Bloggers all got together and want to offer you this AMAZING giveaway!!     Grand Prize Pack One month access […]

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Roasted Grapefruit – A Clean Snack

May 14, 2013

I just finished my Revolt workout and damn….my lower body is just mush! But a fantastic mush! haha. It feels so great to have my workout complete before the hubby even gets home and dinner is already prepped (meal preps on Sunday) so I have SOO much spare time. It’s the oddest feeling. I feel so much less stress now with all my meals being prepped on Sunday. My weeknights are much easier to handle with my schedule. Before, I wouldn’t actually sit down and relax till 8-9pm at night. That is a long time since I start my day at 6:30am. By the time the weekend came I was […]

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Fitness Friday – Revolt Fitness Check-In Week 2

May 13, 2013

I did it again! It is MONDAY and I’m posting my Fitness Friday post. But it wasn’t because I didn’t setup a publish date, but because I’ve been sick. Yeah this weekend was spent with my bed and PJ’s. But I am pushing through, and making this happen today. I have a confession, when I first agreed to doing this Revolt Fitness Challenge, my exceptions weren’t that high. I always compare my fitness programs to those of when I had a personal trainer.  And guess what? I have one right now! Her name is Nichole Huntsman and she kicks my arse 5 days a week. I am soooo happy I […]

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April 2013 Glossybox Canada – Unboxing

May 9, 2013

So I am pretty much all backwards this week. I know I have not shared a single food recipe with you and I gotta apologize. I have been really focusing on this Revolt plan and have not steered off. I have never enjoyed workouts like this since my personal trainer. And i’m not just saying that(more on this tomorrow). I will be on-call for work this weekend and plan to spend it cooking, baking & shooting some clean healthy recipes…oh and a couple skinny cocktails -hey summer is coming, let’s not pretend it isn’t!! Since all my meals are pretty much pre-made with this plan, it has given me no excuse to come home, […]

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