From the monthly archives:

June 2013

Never underestimate social media

by Destini on June 24, 2013

Sorry for no Fitness Friday post. For those of you that hadn’t heard, Alberta had experienced large amounts of flooding last week and still this week. I have quite a bit of family in Alberta and an aunt that lives in a small town south of Calgary that was hit the worst. The town had been evacuated, but we had not heard from her for almost 30 hours. But with the help of social media, she was rescued and is okay!

Here is some photos from around the web (photos are linked to the source)

So I just wanted to give a big shout out to all of you. I know some of you helped in sharing her photo. My family really appreciates all the love and support. I can only hope that there is more stories such as ours. I send my love and thoughts to all those affected by flooding in Alberta and wherever else that is or has been affected by flooding too. It is extremely heart wrenching.

So the truth in how my workouts looked last week; I did my Revolt all week, minus Thursday & Friday. I end up missing Thursday’s all together, but did my upper body and a tabata workout on Saturday. I also went into the gym yesterday and did a core plus cardio session. I feel that it all worked itself out. I can’t stress this enough when it comes to fitness programs, listen to your  body. You know your limits, and you  know how to push yourself just a little bit farther. But if things are happening in your life, place the energy that is needed on those.

Really need to work on those triceps some more!

This post is going to be short . I just wanted to give everyone a quick update of why the no post etc.

Hope everyone has a bright Monday.

If you want to know how you can help aid any of those affected by the flooding, please visit the Red Cross website.

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Green Smoothie

by Destini on June 11, 2013

Something utterly amazing happened today, I woke up at 5:50 and stayed awake on my own accord. I just couldn’t fall back asleep? When did I grow up? JK I guess that really has nothing to do with it…… but I am almost 30? LOL -again I kid

Work has been so exhausting lately. It is a great surprise and relief that I am managing to get my booty in gear and still finishing my Revolt program plus somehow got in a crazy cardio sesh on the stair master today. Has anyone ever used this machine? Kinda looks like an escalator but with a 1/4 of the amount of steps? I had seen many people use it before and it always just made me chuckle. But today I thought? Hey my legs are still sore from Sundays workout and I just finished my lower body workout…….why not push out some more? (remember I said work has been exhausting too?)

Top right is my lower body workout and bottom right is my 30 min of cardio! Go me!!

I have been getting into bed between 9:30 – 10pm which is pretty much unheard of for me. I have been trying to really listen to my body and that is just what it wants. Mind you, I don’t usually get off my phone for at least 20-30min after that. It’s a horrible bad habit that I really need to decrease, G gets all angry when I can’t get off of it and I keep saying “just a few more minutes”.  I have been trying to  keep my body hydrated more too. I thought I was drinking enough water, but since I started doing the old , apparently I am not. I feel this is something my body has been screaming at me to take in more and I have not been listening closely enough.

Now that it has FINALLY gotten warmer here  in Winnipeg, I’ve started getting my smoothie itch back. It had been awhile, because lets face it, bad weather and cold drinks just don’t feel that refreshing. In fact, I rather not be reminded of slush and cold…but now….BRING THEM ON!

Because the people at Natural Vitality are the most wicked and awesomest(check out my made up words) they keep me stocked up on all their great products.  When they sent me their Plant-Sourced Minerals I was eager to try it! When I opened the cap I immediately smelled green apples. It reminded me of jolly ranchers to be honest. And the taste? It tastes like green apple jolly ranchers. I’ve honestly been just having this with some water. But why stop there? Let’s put some jolly ranchers in a green smoothie!

If you’re wondering why you would want to take Plant-Sourced Minerals,  Natural Vitality’s website explains just that “Your body uses nutrients in the food you eat to rebuild itself constantly. If you are not supplying your body with key minerals it needs, its biological processes will slow down, which can contribute to low energy and aging.”

Ingredients: Yields: 1 serving

  • 1/2 cup of fresh pineapple
  • 1 mango, peeled and cubed
  • 1/2 of a banana
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1/2 cup pineapple coconut water (or just coconut water)
  • Half of green apple
  • handful of spinach
  • 1tsp Natural Vitality Plant-Sourced Liquid Minerals
  • Ice

Directions: Place all ingredients into blender, starting with liquid, fruit, spinach, blend till almost all smooth, add in ice and blend till all combined.

Easy peasy! – hmmm what is with this humor? Is it maybe exhaustion?

Want to get your hands on some Natural Vitality products? Use coupon code OC-40 at checkout. (US ONLY). For my fellow Canadians, has their products for 40% off. WIN WIN!

Have a great Tuesday evening everyone 😀

What type of bad habits do you have?


Are you a crazy person and like to wake up in the mornings ?



Phew! What a weekend & Revolt-Week 6 Check-In

June 10, 2013

My weekend was a wonderful sweaty one! Spent a lot of time at the gym and keeping up with my Revolt Fitness program. Sunday which is usually a rest day for me was spent with the hubby doing his leg day. WOWZER!! It was really the first time we ever did a workout together, I must say it won’t be the last. We just pushed each other more! <3 Here is my weekend via Instagram 🙂   The leg workout we did on Sunday consisted of this: Each exercise was 3 sets of 12 5min warm-up on the treadmill, brisk walk at 3.5 Squats with barbell – 20lbs + weight of […]

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Let’s Compare – Revolt Fitness Check-In – Week 5

June 5, 2013

Happy Wednesday! Today is my rest day and it was great to be able to get some stuff done. I am mid week into week 6 for my Revolt program. Still seeing big changes! Week 5 I pushed through like always. Even when I am tired and can’t keep going…I go! I was asked in a comment what my opinion and the difference on DailyHiit (formally known as BodyRock)  vs Revolt Fitness. Now as most of you already know, I am currently a blogger for the Revolt Fitness program. I have in the past did DailyHiit.  I feel that this would be much better addressed in a post than just […]

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