From the monthly archives:

July 2013

Color me AWESOME!!

by Destini on July 23, 2013

Howdy everyone! Hope everyones week is going well. I just finished my workout with G at the gym. We were there for almost 2 hours. The place was just a gong show. I had a whole different plan written for today, but due to the lack of open space, I was not able to do it. I just did G’s tricep and chest workout as we can share the bench/machines. I finished strong though and thats what matters!!

This Saturday I ran in the Color me Rad 5k and it was a BLAST! SOO much fun. I think it’s probably the best type of run for a first timmer. I went with a group of friends. Check out our day 🙂

On our way to the race in stalled traffic! So many people attended that they extended it TWO days!!

Our “clean” group photo!!

Our “dirty” group photo!!!

What a hot mess!! 😀


Our “dirty” ride home photo!!

Alright, time to watch some of my “shows” before bed. Day was a long one with the extended gym session. But before I go I want to announce the winner of my North Coast Naturals protein giveaway!! It was wonderful to see all the Canadian LOVE 😀

The winner is……

CONGRATS!!! Please email your address to destini{at}

Oh and Saturday I also finished my 12 weeks of Revolt Fitness. I will be doing a big write up on the whole program and how I feel about it! STAY TUNED FOLKS!!

Question: Do you HATE when the gym is super busy too? I love seeing so many people workout……but I still get frustrated 🙁


What was the most fun race you ever participated in?


Summer Cocktails – Skinny Grapfruit Splash

by Destini on July 19, 2013

Summer Summer Summer! Oh hey summer, so glad you made it!  I love how many festivals happen in our city during the summer.  Love that patios are filled with happy folks sharing and laughing over a couple cocktails. Love going to the cabin and just taking yourself away from everything back in the city! I just love SUMMER.

What I don’t like about summer is the soft gut I get from all those cocktails. This is why I like to find and make delicious cocktails that won’t make me feel guilty. And this has quickly become one of my favourites! Over the next couple weeks I have a few to share with you all! I have been testing them out with the family and friends. Gotta make sure they are tested!!

I love gin, but this recipe can be easily switched with vodka. But everything else is amazing…enjoy 🙂

Ingredients: Yields 1

  • 1.5oz gin (or vodka)
  • 1.5oz freshly squeezed grapefruit
  • 1oz of soda water
  • mint
  • ice
  • 1 stevia packet (or use liquid, I recently started using liquid & I like it better)

Directions: Muddle mint in the bottom of glass, add ice, gin, grapefruit, soda water &  stevia. Stir till all combined.

Garnish with mint, grapefruit, pretty straws. Also can always rim the glass with cocktail sugar

Perfect for bridal shower, baby showers…any shower? LOL

You can always only use 1oz of gin and it will be 93 calories, use of vodka will be even lower

I’ve made these a couple times now, actually I am enjoying one right now while I write this. Notice a pattern lately? LOL

Tonight G and I went to the gym to get a quick cardio session in.  Also worked on our cores and I did my upper body workout with Revolt. Pretty solid Friday if you ask me!

Next week I want to do a 3 day juice cleanse. I have been feeling abnormally exhausted as of late…..and NO I am not pregnant. I don’t need to lose weight, but thought this would be a wonderful way to restart my system. If anyone is interested, I will stat on Tuesday July 23rd till the 25th! I found this great plan all done for us already by Healthful Pursuit!! If anyone is interested in doing this with me, let me know in the comments below! We will all motivate each other to KEEP GOING on and . #healthywifereset.

Check out my outfit for tomorrow!! SOO excited!!

This girly has go to get ready for bed! I have my Color me Rad 5k tomorrow!! Have a great weekend!!

 Questions: What is your favourite summer cocktail?


Have you ever done a juice cleanse?


Protein Mug Cake & A GIVEAWAY!!

July 15, 2013

This post was meant for Friday, however my site is currently changing hosting providers and I had some technical difficulties. So the site was up and down and not posting. ACK. It appears to be all up and running again!! Thank goodness!! Now that is all behind us(I hope), let’s talk about some fitness. I have continued doing Revolt Fitness, but also have upped my gym time. I love Revolt Fitness and even after my 12 weeks, I will continue to use it. That being said, I have now started to go to the gym regularly again. I always went before, but I have definitely logged in way more hours […]

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Wednesday Confessions

July 3, 2013

Happy Hump day! This week is a short one for us! We had Canada Day on Monday and Americans have tomorrow off for Independence Day!! YAY FOR SHORT WEEKS! I have some confessions…. I drank one, two maybe even three glasses of wine with my dinners this weekend. And guzzled down some sangria in the beautiful sun. I may have worked out for the first time since last Wednesday today…. 🙁 . We had a football game last Thursday and I was away at the cabin all weekend(came back Monday Night). George and his cousin caught 25+ fish (they let most of those go). And I dislike fish….their heads scare […]

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