From the monthly archives:

March 2014

Healthy Tuna Salad – Great for Lunch

by Destini on March 10, 2014

So its Monday and for most of us, we’re back at work! One thing I personally search for the most on the internet is simple, healthy, YUMMY lunches. I know my mayo-free egg salad sandwich has been a HUGE hit for so many of you, so why not take another popular lunch item, turn it into something……AWESOME.

Tuna Salad-2


Ingredients: Yields 2 servings

  • 1 can wild tuna in water
  • 2 celery stalks, chopped
  • 1/4 cup red onion, chopped
  • 1/4 cup broccoli florets
  • 1/4 cup radishes, sliced
  • 2T fat-free mayonnaise OR plain greek yogurt
  • 1t red wine vinegar
  • fresh pepper
  • smoked paprika
  • romaine lettuce

Directions: Drain tuna. Mix all the ingredients and serve over freshly washed romaine lettuce. Sprinkle with smoked paprika and pepper.

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George and I ate this everyday for work for SEVERAL weeks! It turns a rather cliche lunch into something super flavourful and delicious!

Tuna Salad-3

Best part is you can omit the mayo and replace it with plain greek yogurt!!

I hope everyone has a  good MONDAY!



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Happy International Women’s Day

by Destini on March 8, 2014

Just wanted to stop in on this beautiful sunny day to say Happy International Women’s Day!


Now pass this on to some special women in your life 🙂


Maybe celebrate with a glass of wine 🙂




Living Room Progression

March 7, 2014

TGIF! Yep, I couldn’t agree more 🙂 Today we saw SUNLIGHT. I know, may not sound like a big deal to you lucky people in the South…but it has been a very crummy, grey skied, cold winter for us. I was doing some running around tonight and people just looked happier. Crazy how we need sun for our souls. As many of you know we moved into our first house back in the end of October and I haven’t really shared too many photos. When we moved, we pretty much got rid of EVERYTHING. We wanted to start of fresh and new. It has been a process and boy has […]

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What I Have Been Reading

March 6, 2014

I thought I would share something that is a large part of my life, reading. When I am not in the kitchen, I am usually reading on my Kindle. I have always read a lot, but since getting my Kindle as a Christmas gift a couple years ago, it has increased tenfold! Recently I joined a lovely book club full of some wonderful ladies, and the first book we chose to read was The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion. It was a really cute book, I enjoyed it as a really light read. It revolves around a genetics professor and a total opposite barmaid named Rosie. If you’re looking for […]

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A NEW Recipe! – Kale, Quinoa & Sweet Potato Salad

March 3, 2014

Check it out, A BRAND NEW RECIPE! Super excited to finally share something new with you guys. I am so grateful for all your support over the past while. I know I have been quite quiet lately, and I have a bunch reasons, but that is a chapter book of excuses that don’t need to be told(just because they’re boring). Let’s start fresh, and this salad is PERFECT for that! I know you have heard me complain, whine and cry about the horrible cold weather in Winnipeg(lately). I try not to complain too much because -HEY I am an adult, I can move. But here I am, still in Winterpeg. […]

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