The Black Bean Burger & A Giveaway!
April 5, 2012
Hey Peeps! (I wanted to spice things up on my greetings) How was everyone’s week? Is anyone as happy as I am to know that this week is short? I can sing and lul all day long knowing I will be spending my weekend in my lulus cleaning my bathroom! Does it make me insane that I am actually looking forward to cleaning the bathroom on my long weekend? Yeah, I am probably a little insane. I take a ton of photos, all the time and they never make it up on here. So for weekend posts I will do it in photos. I know, we all do it. But […]
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Giveaway – {winner}
February 11, 2012
Hey Everyone! How is everyone’s weekend so far? I have been a slave to my kitchen all evening baking up a storm. I have the most amazing chocolate goodness for you guys tomorrow. Perfect Valentine Treat!! Today my husband and I had a gift card to use up for a couple local restaurants. We choose to make it Mexican! I chose the shrimp taco item off the menu. It was okay…but I do enjoy the one I make at home better. This just tasted like any old shrimp taco, no cilantro or pep {I had a photo but it is being weird..sorry) However I know what you all are wanting to […]
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