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Green Monsters

Six months from today…where I am at!

by Destini on March 25, 2011

Six months from today I will be waking up probably tired, nervous and excited. I will be almost ready to walk down an aisle that will most likely feel like it never ends towards the most amazing person! Yep if you haven’t guessed it is the six month mark to my WEDDING!!!

So where am I at? Emotionally I am not too nervous. I feel comfortable with how much I have done thus far. I know we have a bunch more to go….but I am content with that.

I used a similar list like Heather @ Hangry Pants. She is getting married a day before me! So check her out!

To Do:

I know it look’s like I have a lot left. But most I already know what I want or where I am getting it. SO it isn’t too bad. How do you feel I am doing?

Did my leg workout today! Most of these are all 3 sets of 12 reps

  • Squats on smith machine
  • Squats, jump, squat and kick….some ridiculous exercise Kim made up JK (Love you Kim)
  • Push backs on a leg press….I know right?
  • Hamstring curl on machine
  • Calf raises on machine(this will be to failure)

At the end of that my legs are pretty mush mush, for cardio I will only walk on a incline of 6 with a speed of 3.5 on the treadmill.

What better way to finish my workout then with a GREEN MONSTER! I have talked about these before. Today’s was like last time, minus the blueberries. These things are like a meal. SO good!


Also I am super excited and proud to say that my trainer Kim placed 2nd in the short bikini category at MABBA‘s this year!!!!!!!


Diet……..The Break-Up

by Destini on March 18, 2011

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

I have been debating this for a few weeks now, I am at my ideal weight and have surpassed my goal. I am healthy, happy and enjoying my new lifestyle. When I started my weight loss, my goal was 130lbs. I am now 120lbs. So then why am I still dieting?  Let’s be serious? Enough is enough. Dieting is a horrible word, no one likes it and I hate it.

I am ending it, and trust me dieting…..I don’t want to be friends, in fact I don’t ever want to see you again.

It’s official I have removed you as a Facebook friend LOL

Now that is done and the awkwardness is fading. Let’s discus what my new goals are:

  1. Continue eating healthy, but increase my calorie intake- I know my body now, I know what amount I can and can’t eat
  2. Keep working out and getting in top shape – still need to look fab for my wedding
  3. Be happy and not feel deprived – self explanatory for anyone who has been on a diet

I am really happy about this decision. I will continue to eat healthy and maintain what I have accomplished. I honestly feel so much better! With the wedding coming in just a little more then 6months and my wedding social just around the corner, this is one less stress and I wont miss it.

Last night’s workout was my back. Each exercise is 3 set’s of 12 reps.

  • Pull up on assisted machine
  • Row on machine
  • DB Swiss ball raise

I then followed up with 20min on the stepper at resistance 6.

Now for the best part, my post-workout drink….The Green Monster as seen on Oh She Glows. She has many different versions. Mine was close to the the Classic Green Monster with a small handful of blueberries added.

The major modification I did was instead of chocolate nut butter or wheatgrass I used a scoop of my ISOFLEX Peanut Butter Chocolate protein powder. The result. AMAZING! I even had my fiance try some and he loved it. So check out Angela at Oh She Glows she rocks!


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