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The Day Has Come -{launch + giveaway}

February 1, 2012

Hello Friends!!!!!!! Did you ever think that this day would actually come? I know I underestimated this whole process. Now it wasn’t too bad. But juggling this with Christmas, traveling and my design business…well I am sure you get the picture.  Thank you all for being so patient with me 😀 There is still thing’s that aren’t 100% and I am not fully sold on my banner at the top. The lil blonde version of me is a keeper and so are the colours. But other things are still needing some TLC. But the structure for the most part is shinning and ready. I felt I wouldn’t hold back anymore. […]

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Roasted Garlic Chicken & Vegetables

October 22, 2011

  Hey Everyone, sorry for no posts this past few days. I have been sick with the stomach flu. Today I did go into work and managed to eat breakfast and a decent lunch. Go me!!! Now to the good stuff!!! I love easy scrumptious meals. One’s that make the whole house smell amazing and leave my mouth salivating for dinner! Well this is one of them. You probably have seen a million versions and this can be created into many more, but this is the most common in our house. And its a household favourite. Roasted Garlic Chicken & Vegetables Yield: 4 servings Ingredients 2 Large Carrots, cut into 2 inch pieces 1 […]

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